here they again touch on the vinyl toy scene.. due to its popularity, it has featured more and more in the pages of magazines, sometimes each month with C.Arts. This part, explains that the vinyl industry is large at the moment and that there is money to be made, if you're wanting to explore this avenue then get in touch with the companies and ask them what they are looking for.. you wont know otherwise!

the next bit outlines some wonderful bits of information that i certainly need to take heed of... Time managment. If i am to attempt to make it as a freelancer, then how will I know I am doing it right? Its good to hear these little snippets from professionals giving you advice.. after all its not like they are celebrities who appear out of reach of us mere mortals.. they too often went through the same educational channels as we are doing now... but the most comforting info here is that it is ok to take time off.. you dont need to be killing yourself over work... enjoy it.

the next bit outlines some wonderful bits of information that i certainly need to take heed of... Time managment. If i am to attempt to make it as a freelancer, then how will I know I am doing it right? Its good to hear these little snippets from professionals giving you advice.. after all its not like they are celebrities who appear out of reach of us mere mortals.. they too often went through the same educational channels as we are doing now... but the most comforting info here is that it is ok to take time off.. you dont need to be killing yourself over work... enjoy it.
Similarly, this little snippet explains that sometimes all that is needed is just to be yourself.. be relaxed when contacting clients/agencies or whatever.. and pay them a compliment.. it doesnt hurt to try.. just be sincere and genuine.. I like to think that I always am, although I am yet to hear back from one place after I tried showing them my sense of humour.
and they even offer advice on what sites to sign up to in order to create a buzz about your work and start up a folio...

Next up is the Self-Promo edition of Computer Arts Projects, which I can say is one of the greatest and worst magazines for people like myself.. on the one hand it shows a great insight into the industry I want to become a part of... it offers advice on how to get started, great links and references, advice from professionals .. but... on the other hand it annoys me that Im not already doing this.. some of the advice is so simple that its almost common knowledge and common sense.. some bits featured make me cringe when i think that I could do better.. but.. im not doing.. why?
Anyway, here they are trying to offer a break down of the costs to producing promotional material. you can go the cheap route.. but it also looks cheap.. but if you fork out a bit.. it pays off. Stickers in particular I feel may be starting to make a come back.. it seems anything else ive tried doing has suddenly become popular again.. so why not stickers... ;)
next they focus on a couple of companies in particular who have successfully promoted their brand and as such are now well established... e.g. Zoo York and Mister Mista. Asking them the questions we should be doing.. they gain insight into how these things kick off.. and to be honest.. most of the time it is 50% luck 50% product...
What I love about MisterMista is the characters on each of the designs.. they are made specifically for kids.. kind of cornering the market for fashionable illustrated childrens wear... but the characters look like they are straight from a cartoon or comic. They have personalities of their own and you can almost imagine a narrative to each design.. so how am i missing that? is it just technical aesthetic or should i be pouring more of myself into my work?

this actually comes early in the issue but... they ask professionals quite clearly.. what did they do that helped kick start their careers?? some reply with simply having an online presence helped.. but others discuss their unique approach and ideas when it came to contacting prospective clients and companies.. i have a few aces up my sleeve.. but i dont want to share them just yet.. ;)

one thing i will say is.. im bored of my basic business card.. i only quickly got something printed for the D&AD awards.. but i quickly realised out of the 2 designs... i was passing 1 out more than the other.. just because i felt it was too plain.. one idea i have had over the last month was to incorporate my characters into the design and turn them into an alternative to a vinyl toy.. pop ups are cheaper and easier..
im happy with my sticker, the only problem is.. im not happy living off of the one image.. i dont feel like ive surpassed that image yet.. or that any image stands up next to it.. but then again.. i havent asked for any feedback on this.. a lot of my personal work is currently hidden away.. uni and personal NEED to meet...

one thing i will say is.. im bored of my basic business card.. i only quickly got something printed for the D&AD awards.. but i quickly realised out of the 2 designs... i was passing 1 out more than the other.. just because i felt it was too plain.. one idea i have had over the last month was to incorporate my characters into the design and turn them into an alternative to a vinyl toy.. pop ups are cheaper and easier..
im happy with my sticker, the only problem is.. im not happy living off of the one image.. i dont feel like ive surpassed that image yet.. or that any image stands up next to it.. but then again.. i havent asked for any feedback on this.. a lot of my personal work is currently hidden away.. uni and personal NEED to meet...

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