Tim Ellis (link)
David Semple (link)
Andy Martin (link)
Mick Marston (link)
Back in the 1st year, Jo showed me the work of Mick Marston for a project in order to get me using illustrator... now in 2nd year I feel like I have good grasp of the program and will be returning to Marston's work to start looking at character and shape. Although Marston's work looks like FreeHand vectored, smells like FreeHand vectors and tastes like FreeHand vectors... he has still managed to inject humour and character into his work... he's taken the best points in using digital technology but also stylized it and made it his own...
Also, since I have a passion/need to screen print.. illustrators such as Marston often have a background in other areas such as printing and it's great to see them still using this in their work. Rather than remaining on screen, the crisp lines and blocks of colour take on new life as they become tangible and printed onto stock.
I was also going to mention Stanley Chow whose artwork I really like, but I'm hoping to start filtering out artist's whose work I just like on an aesthetic level when compared to artists who inspire my own work... I just keep worrying about finding my own personal style/visual language.
I specifically like how Chow depicts characters, proportion wise, and I think I could recreate it quite well... but thats all it would be... I could quite comfortably copy any style given to me but it will never look like my work...
Similarly I've been looking at a few more artists, in hope of inspiration and influence for my own work....
stolen from: (link)
"Chiquita's latest ad campaign imbues its audience with an instant sense of wonder. Using playful illustrations on stickers juxtaposed to the iconic Chiquita stickers, the product and brand become more engaging to the consumer—plus they just look cool. We got a chance to ask the Art Director,DJ Neff, some questions about the process of making bananas (even more) fun"
Similarly I've been looking at a few more artists, in hope of inspiration and influence for my own work....
stolen from: (link)
"Chiquita's latest ad campaign imbues its audience with an instant sense of wonder. Using playful illustrations on stickers juxtaposed to the iconic Chiquita stickers, the product and brand become more engaging to the consumer—plus they just look cool. We got a chance to ask the Art Director,DJ Neff, some questions about the process of making bananas (even more) fun"
These character are fantastic, in the way that they capture individual personalities but in that they are fun... the are enjoyable, playful and as mentioned above... 'cool'. I love stickers but what really inspires me about these is the limited colour palette... obviously taking reference from the previous/exisiting sticker colour scheme but I'm starting to notice some patterns in what I like...
more to follow in the next couple of days... ;)
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